I know what you think: this funny bloke gives these girls those silly names - but I confess I'd never get the idea to call a girl "Cartoon", even though she might look like a manga-heroine! In fact, every Ding Dong Girl has an official, unpronouncable name they never use in daily life, and a short nickname. Her's is Cartoon, and with this wonderful tiny body and huge boobs she looks indeed like a sexy comic-character in the flesh! |
Now we come to a number of cool girls who are very well aware of their assets and their impact on men. As if her massive bust wasn't enough to drive you nuts, newcomer Nang goes even a step further, wearing the shortest skirts you can imagine to show her beautiful legs and great ass! And the way she licks her lollipop leaves little imagination for what else she might be able to suck (Ped is good in that too, by the way - you will see on video...) |
Au was one of the first girls I met on my recent trip and who introduced me to her friend Nang, so it was quite easy to take those two for a girl-girl shooting. I also got some double-girl takes with Ped, Kik and Ma (a dark beauty I'll show you next week). It takes more effort to work with two or more girls since they are always playing with each other and joking around. Exhausting, breath-taking - but a lot of fun! |
Oh man, these girls look like they feel so proud of themselves - as if their egos grow accordingly to their bustlines! You might guess so, watching these pictures...but behind a facade of arrogant tit-pride you will mostly find a simple, down-to-earth character less spoilt as many of the girls we find in the western hemisphere. Actually, do they have boyfriends? And what kind of man they are looking for? |
Let's take Pat, a very popular girl from the last set I met again this time. Such a skinny & stacked, beautiful young lady should get any man she wants - so it was quite surprising when she showed up for the shooting with her boyfriend! At first, I thought it was a girl: shorter than her and not even handsome. Lucky guy, anyway... This time, Pat looked even better than on the first shootings, she felt more comfortable and even allowed herself to smile a bit more often - and her tits? Well, you see they didn't get smaller! ;-) |
Another fun-name, a short nick for "apple", since they pronounce the word like "appun". And apples she got. Or maybe better melons. No, pumpkins! But you know what I like most?: those lips! Look how she's sticking out those bumpers and imagine what she could do with them...! Too small for your big appetite?! On the next page I'll introduce some really big girls of the squad with bustlines between 90 and 100 inches!! |
Click here for more beautiful - and bigger girls!! |
Click here for "smaller" girls! |